If you are aware of a commemorative site for one of the Route 91 Angels that is not listed here, please use our contact us page to let us know the specifics.

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Hannah Ahlers

Hannah’s Wings is located in Umbrella Alley in Redlands, CA.  Painted by Christine Coates, these wings honor Hannah Ahlers.

You can read more about Hannah at

Photos provided by Brian Ahlers

Hannah's Wings

Austin Davis, Thomas Day, Jr., & Christopher Roybal

On September 30, 2018, the City of Corona, CA dedicated Remembrance Field at Eagle Glen Park in honor of Austin Davis, Thomas Day, Jr., and Christopher Roybal.  Click below to be taken to the City of Corona’s Facebook album with pictures of the dedication.

Photo Credit: Marianne Crane

Corona's Photos

Angela Gomez

”Angela’s Wings” was created by Mosaic Artists Greg and Cathy Maxwell -Maxwell Mosaics and is located at Mario’s Place -across from the entrance of the historic Mission Inn, Riverside, CA. 

Photo Credit:

Angela's Wings

Quinton Robbins

Quinton Robbins was honored by his second grade teacher with a Buddy Bench and a Kindness Garden at  Sue Morrow Elementary School in Henderson, NV.   Read more about this commemorative site here.

Photo credit: Angela Barton 

There is an additional commemorative site for Quinton at Heritage Park in Henderson, NV.  A basketball themed memorial, plaque, and a street named in honor of Quinton.

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