The Heart Wall

Five graffiti artists worked for about 17 straight hours from Sunday through Monday morning to create the 200-foot-long mural at the corner of Westcliff and Antelope Way.The hearts are different colors, each containing a victim’s name with a halo resting over it. 

(Photo Credit: Las Vegas Review Journal article ‘ Mural pays tribute to victims of Las Vegas shooting‘ 10/24/17) 

Heartwall Gallery

Clark County Museum

The October 1st collection at the Clark County Museum is made up of tens of thousands of artifacts that help to tell the story of how the community reacted to the mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival. The artifacts will be cataloged to record information such as physical descriptions, dimensions, and conditions. Each artifact will also be photographed or scanned for identification purposes. 

Click below to connect to the Clark County Museum.

Photo Credit: Marianne Crane

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Peccole Ranch Memorial Bench

Smith Steelworks created a special bench for the memorial park at Peccole Ranch. The memorial park is a place to honor the victims that were killed on October 1, 2017, along with the nurses and doctors, first responders, and all those who put themselves in harms way. There were many heroes ,that night, who put their lives on the line to save others and showed that humanity shines through, even in the darkest of moments. 

Click below to connect to Smith Steelworks for more information.

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North Las Vegas Bench

The Memorial Bench in Craig Ranch Park in North Las Vegas.

(Photo Credit: Erik Verduzco/Las Vegas Review-Journal / @Erik_Verduzco)

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